Here’s what you should expect when kids return to in-person learning

MID-SOUTH — Many students are headed back to the classrooms this fall as some COVID-19 restrictions remain in place.

Last year, most students attended school virtually during the pandemic.

Although some things are getting back to normal and students will once again be learning in person, you should expect a few changes this year.

First, there could be some behavioral adjustments, according to Education Week.

Many students have been away from each other and their teachers for quite some time. Expect some difficulty in keeping safe distances or learning new COVID-related boundaries.

Some students’ social skills or responses to authority could also be strained after the long break from those interactions.

According to EW, parents and teachers can help students by modeling appropriate behaviors and involving them in practical solutions.

Second, expect some learning loss.

Some kids will have forgotten material they once knew or now be behind in a few subjects.

These students may need some extra instruction at home or through tutors. Engage teachers for help.

Parents might also expect to see some push-back from a new routine and schedule.

This will be especially true if kids aren’t used to getting up early or sticking to a set routine.

Parents can help them adjust by setting firm boundaries and modeling appropriate behavior.

According to LifeWorks, parents should talk regularly with kids about any of their concerns and make it a priority to keep them motivated.

Plan ahead by helping your child get to bed earlier, prepare for the school day the night before and work out child care in advance.

Expect some time to adjust to the new school year and any COVID-related rules.

Make sure students have the correct supplies and any health and safety items, such as hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes.

Because students should not go to school sick, kids could see a few more absences this year.

COVID-19 testing, more time outdoors and more school cleaning efforts could also be some changes to expect in schools.