Connect Memphis: Residents, businesses can register security cameras to help police fight crime

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Crime is a top concern in Memphis. So, if police said there’s a way you could help solve crimes, would do it?

All you have to do is give them access to your surveillance cameras.

“Right now, the department has to literally knock on doors and ask individuals if they have camera access to an incident,” said Jim Strickland, Memphis Mayor.

To reduce this, the City of Memphis announced a public safety program that lets residents and businesses register their security cameras with the Memphis Police Department.

“Connect Memphis gets us closer to accomplishing this goal by adding another tool to our tool belt,” said Memphis Police Chief C.J. Davis.

Once registered, Memphis Police will know a camera is at your location. If a crime occurred, they would then request video evidence.

“Before this program, if the detective needs to investigate a crime, the detective will have to go to the business or the home to download the footage. Sometimes that could take hours. Now, he can do it at his desktop, which will save many hours of investigation,” said Joe Oakley with the Memphis Police Department.

Businesses and residents can also give MPD direct access to their camera feed. All you need is a small core device you plug into your camera. The price ranges from $350 to $7,300.

“Number one, at a minimum register your camera with the Memphis Police Department. Number two, even better, integrate your camera with the Memphis Police Department,” said Jim Strickland, Memphis Mayor.

And, if privacy is a concern, MPD said it shouldn’t be.

“We only want outside cameras. We can only have access to what someone allows us to have. So, there will be no invasion of privacy,” said Joe Oakley, Memphis Police Department.

Registration takes less than one minute via a secure online portal. To learn more and enroll your cameras in the program, visit