Local business participates in National Day of Unplugging

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Too often we miss out on important moments in our lives because our noses are buried into our phones, computers, or maybe even our tablets.

One local business is encouraging others to unplug and reconnect.

Autumn Hood is the Studio Manger for Pinot’s Palette on Sanderlin Avenue in East Memphis.

As a working mother, she knows the importance of work-life balance.

“I have a three-year-old and a husband in law school,” Hood said.

“So, it’s very important for us to get to spend that good quality time together without the interference of our cell phones constantly dinging in the background.”

This year, Pinot’s Palette is participating in National Day of Unplugging.

National Day of Unplugging is a 24-hour break from technology.

From sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, you’re encouraged to disconnect from digital devices to reconnect with loved ones and the community.,

The studio is holding an unplugging event through Saturday evening.

“If they would like to participate, they can check their phone in with us when they arrive,” Hood said.

“We will give them a ticket to write their name down on, and we are going to do a drawing for a free class at the end of every class that we have over the weekend.”

Hood said a painting class is a great way to connect with others.

“It’s very fun to come in with your friends, your significant other, you can even bring your kids,” Hood explained.

“We do kid classes as well. Just disconnect to reconnect.”

But no matter the activity you choose, Hood said she hopes others will unplug and join the digital detox.

“You need to disconnect to reconnect with your friends and family and enjoy the present while it’s here because you’re missing out on so much because have your face in a phone.”

People can participate can also participate in National Day of Unplugging on their own by simply choosing to read a book instead of surfing the web.

Businesses and organizations can also host their own unplugging events and activities.